Cape Coral Realtor

“Judy Ramage sold my house a few months ago. She was able to negotiate a sale price $4000 above my asking price! Her follow through is excellent. She has been in business for about 20 years and really knows the business. Anytime, I had a question, she was there to answer it. She is an wonderful Realtor. I highly recommend her.”

Judy was very professional from the beginning. she was always there for us when we had questions, and nothing was too much trouble. Not only did she sell our home very quickly, but assisted us in purchasing our new condominium.

Judy is a very friendly, dedicated and professional agent. Doing business with her is always a pleasure. She goes the extra mile to satify your real estate needs
Short Round

If you want a home in Cape Coral of the surrounding areas, no one knows more or will work harder for you than Judy Ramage. Trust me, I have high expectations from everyone and Judy exceeded them all!!
Tim E

We started looking for a retirement home in SWFL and chose Cape Coral on recommendations of friends in the area. We met with Judy online and let her know when we would be coming down. She understood we weren’t sure what we were looking for and showed us a variety of houses so we could narrow down  our wants. Unfortunately we did not purchase a home that trip even though we came close to choosing one. We will definitely be back and will continue to work with Judy til we find our new home. She is professional and knowledgable and we would not hesitate to recommend her.

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